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Here’s A Riddle That’s Playing With So Many People’s Minds! Can You Answer Correctly?

When was the last time you tried your hand at a little math riddle? One that not only challenges your math skills, but that also forces you to pay attention to detail and do some critical thinking? Well, if it’s been a while, it’s time to dust off that part of your brain and use it!

Can Your Solve This Math Riddle Without Any Help?

This riddle was allegedly created by a third-grader, but none of their peers could get the right answer. The next step was for the adults to tackle the problem, but it stumped many of them, too. Now it’s your turn to see if you can solve it or not. Check out the problem below.

cartoon male pondering with text above saying "divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. what's the result?"

Think you have the correct answer? Before you jump to say “Yes, that was so easy!” maybe give the problem another read-over before being so bold. Are you sure you read it correctly?

The Answer

Okay, I’ve made you wait long enough. The answer is:

Drumroll, please…

70!If you’re thinking right now “What?! How did you get 70?” allow me to explain. The riddle says divide 30 by half, not in half. When you divide by half, you actually end up multiplying by two. This means that 30 divided by half is 60. Add 10, and you’ve got 70.

Other Fun Math Riddles

Ready to tackle some more math riddles? Check out the list below. These are sure to challenge your brain and really make you think.


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