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Category: Life

  • How To Tell If You Are Attractive: Nine Ways You’re More Attractive Than You Think

    How To Tell If You Are Attractive: Nine Ways You’re More Attractive Than You Think

    Attraction does not have to be about your physical appearance. A large part of your appeal plays into your behaviors and the way you interact with others. Although it is common to wonder how others perceive your physical appearance, remember that you do not need their approval to be happy with your appearance or your…

  • The Shortcut To A Good Life Nobody Wants To Hear

    The Shortcut To A Good Life Nobody Wants To Hear

    Did you notice? The more we do some things in life, the more we want them. These things tend to deliver a heady dopamine hit, which makes us feel great for a while until we get an itching for more. That itch is often quick to show up after apparent satiation. Doughnuts, sex, feel-good TV,…

  • 12 Hidden Signs He’s Not in Love With You Anymore

    12 Hidden Signs He’s Not in Love With You Anymore

    It’s common for doubt to set in at certain points in a relationship, especially if you’re not sure where your partner stands. If you find yourself asking, “does he still love me?” there are few things to keep in mind. First, trust your intuition and communicate with your partner if you’re having doubts. Ask them…

  • They must be felt with the heart….

    They must be felt with the heart….

    Have you ever wondered about the best and most beautiful things in the world? It’s interesting to think about what truly matters in life, beyond what can be seen or touched. As Helen Keller once said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be…