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  • People Who Like to Be Alone Have These 20 Special Personality Traits

    People Who Like to Be Alone Have These 20 Special Personality Traits

    Many people find solace in moments of solitude, turning to it as a source of comfort and renewal. Being alone can give individuals the time and space needed to process complicated emotions or situations without feeling obligated to be sociable or please anyone else. It also provides an opportunity for deeper internal exploration and self-discovery,…

  • Many people still think that the spikes on tires are to prevent slipping

    Many people still think that the spikes on tires are to prevent slipping

    The small spikes on  motorcycle tires (vent spews) are a by-product of  tire manufacturing. However, these small spikes have no effect on the tire’s operation. In fact, these fibers are properly called vent spews. They’re known as’vent spews’, which is an odd word for something quite common. Other names include sprue nubs, tire nibs, gate markings, and nippers. The…

  • This Is Apparently The Best Age To Get Married, And There’s A Crazy Reason Why

    This Is Apparently The Best Age To Get Married, And There’s A Crazy Reason Why

    I’m 25, single and going to get married one day. But exactly when I’ll stroll down the aisle… well, I have no clue. But according to a mathematical theory, I need to get the show on the road. Journalist Brian Christian and cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths, co-authors of “Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human…

  • If They Do These 10 Things, They Truly Love You

    If They Do These 10 Things, They Truly Love You

    Actions will always speak louder than words.  Everyone can say that they love you or care about you. In fact, I’m sure that you have heard it before. You have heard empty promises and words with no meaning. It is much easier to say something than take action and prove your true feelings. For this reason, when…

  • 30 Things All Women Absolutely Want And Expect From Men

    30 Things All Women Absolutely Want And Expect From Men

    The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’ – Sigmund Freud   When we don’t talk about our periods and how nasty they are, most of the time girls talk…

  • 5 Definite Signs You’re Dealing With A Fake Nice Person

    5 Definite Signs You’re Dealing With A Fake Nice Person

    Friends are known for their ability to make us feel joyful, energetic, and understood. But not all friends are the right kind of friends, and that is why you need to know how to spot a fake nice person. Have you ever had someone be extremely nice to you, but then caught them talking nastily…

This is how it all started…

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