t could just be me growing older and grumpier, adhering to tradition by falling out of touch with the world around me, but it seems like people don’t have the same amount of respect for the military that they did in my youth.
I don’t mean to tarnish everyone with the same brush – there are still plenty of people who go out of their way to make sure our servicemen and women are recognized and celebrated as they should be – but for some reason I just get the feeling that the appreciation for those brave souls who defend our country is at an all-time low.
Which is why stories like this one simply delight me.
It regards a post made by mom Heather Almond, whose son, Gavin, enlisted in the US Army with a view to serving and protecting his country.
Needless to say, a soldier’s basic training is the first step in his or her military career, and provides a taste as to what said soldier’s family can expect from there on out: namely, quite often a fair amount of time without their loved one being home.
That was the case for Heather, so she jumped at the chance to spend a weekend with Gavin at Fort Benning, Georgia.
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